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发布时间:2024-03-19 信息来源:京智范儿


The "Great Wall Friendship Award" is the only award and highest honor granted by Beijing municipality to foreign individuals residing in Beijing. To date, 16 sessions of this award have been granted, with a total of 221 foreign individuals from 32 different countries having received this prestigious recognition.

What remarkable contributions have the winners made to Beijing? How do they view Beijing? Let's take a look!

Johan de Wit

Johan de Wit, currently serves as Vice President of Beijing Bank. Since joining Beijing Bank, he has actively acted as a bridge, promoting deeper strategic cooperation between Beijing Bank and International Netherlands Groups (ING). Johan de Wit strongly identifies with the corporate culture of Beijing Bank.


He has witnessed a remarkable leap in the quality of Beijing's financial industry, with an increasing number of domestic and international financial institutions establishing themselves in the city, turning Beijing into a world-class financial center. By the end of 2023, the Financial Street area housed over 1,900 financial institutions, with more than 800 key financial institutions and 175 headquarters of enterprises, including 16 listed in the Fortune Global 500.


Beijing Bank has officially endorsed the United Nations' "Principles for Responsible Banking" and has become a member of the United Nations Environment Programme Finance Initiative, continuously innovating in green financial products and services. Johan de Wit believes that in the process of achieving the "dual-carbon" goals, banks play an important role.


He is also amazed by the rapid development of digital finance. Currently, a large portion of banking operations has shifted from offline branches to mobile banking apps.
Johan de Wit believes that the fusion of technology and finance will unleash tremendous driving forces, attracting more businesses to establish themselves in the city and develop.